 Country Scores
Each Country's score is the average of the five highest ranked pilots. Click on a Country name to see all its pilots listed in ranking system order. The change in position is calculated from pilot rankings at 30 Sep 2024.
PositionCountryNo. of pilots in listPoints
1- Germany1309989.2
2- Poland369981.7
3- Czech Republic532974.7
4- Great Britain369973.1
5- France787969.6
6- Netherlands167967.9
7- Australia304966
8- Italy140963.7
9- United States of America261961.1
10- Austria156955
11- Belgium167953.1
12- Lithuania77953
13- Hungary132952.4
14- South Africa78947.9
15- Denmark172946.5
16- Finland85942.2
17- Slovenia80917.2
182 New Zealand149916
19- Sweden161915.5
202 Slovakia99915.3
21- Canada47914.2
22- Switzerland166905.3
23- Romania76904.2
24- Spain86852.5
251 Norway43836.4
261 Argentina22787
271 Andorra14666.6
281 Ukraine23641.7
291 Japan4637.4
301 Chile13629.2
311 Brazil6612.8
321 Ireland4556
331 Luxembourg5519.8
341 Serbia5503.6
352 Belarus5487.9
36- Bulgaria5479.5
371 Portugal1120
381 Colombia1118
391 Latvia151.9